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حل التعيين الثاني Business Essentials |
Question One
State whether the following statements are true or false, put your answer in table below?
Cost-of-living adjustment ( COLA) is a clause allowing wage rates to be renegotiated during the life
of a labor contract.
of a labor contract.
Labor union is a group of people working together to achieve shared job-related goals.
The chief tactic used by unions when bargaining fails is the strike.
In the marketing mix, place refers to distribution.
A product line is a group of similar products intended for a similar group of buyers who will use them in similar ways.
The utility of a product compares its benefits with its costs.
Shopping goods and services purchased often and with little input of time and effort.
Cost-oriented pricing considers a firm's desire to make a profit and its need to cover production costs.
Positioning is the process of establishing an easily identifiable product image in the minds of consumers.
Penetration pricing setting initially low price to establish a new product in the market.
Question Two
Circle the proper choice for the following statements; put your answer in table below.
1. When workers refuse to buy the products of a targeted employer, this labor action is:
A- strike B- picketing C- boycott D- all true
2. The process of dealing with employees who are represented by a union is: A- negotiating B- collective bargaining C- Labor relations D- Labor union
3. ------- are persons temporarily or permanently hired by a firm to replace union strikers?
A. Arbitrators B. Mediators C. Whistle-blowers D. Strikebreakers
4. Which of the following is not an external factor of the marketing environment.
A. technological environment B. Political and legal environment
C . sociocultural environment D. Corporate environment
5. Which of the following is not included in the four p’s of the marketing mix?
A. Position B. promotion C. price D. product
6. Which of the following is not considered to be an institutional market?
A. Reseller market B. charities C. hospitals D. museums
7. ------ are inexpensive products that are purchased and consumed rapidly and regularly .
A. Specialty goods B. convenience goods
C . shopping goods D. shopping services
8. Which strategy for pricing new products sets an initial high price?
A. Price lining B. price skimming
C . penetration pricing D. odd-even pricing
9. --------- are independently owned and operated.
A. Private warehouse B. public warehouse
C . transport hubs D. distribution center warehouse
10. Which of the following is not a promotional objective?
A. Increase sales B. establish market share
C . add value D. position product
Question Three Match between Two Columns: put your answer in table below
Labor action in which workers publicize their grievances at the entrance to an employer’s facility | A | Knowledge workers | 1. |
Reasons for purchasing a product that are based on a logical evaluation of product attributes | B | Arbitration | 2. |
Activities needed to move a product efficiently from manufacturer to consumer | C | Value | 3. |
Retail store carrying one product line or category of related products | D | Emotional motives | 4. |
Intermediary who sells products directly to consumers | E | Product mix | 5. |
Price reduction offered as an incentive to purchase | F | Speed to market | 6. |
Strategy of introducing new products to respond quickly to customers or market changes | G | discount | 7. |
Group of products that a firm makes available for sale | H | retailer | 8. |
Reasons for purchasing a product that are based on nonobjective factors | I | Specialty stores | 9. |
Relative comparison of a product’s benefits versus its costs | J | Physical distribution | 10. |
Method of resolving a labor dispute in which both parties agree to submit to the judgment of a neutral party | K | ||
Employees who are of value because of the knowledge they possess | L |
Question four
What are the four major influences on consumer behavior?
Question Five
What are the main stages of product life cycle?
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