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وظيفة معلم اللغة الانجليزية |
Question one : part “A”
Read the passage below and then write the letter that corresponds the correct answer in the box given . all your answer should be based on the text you read , and then move the answer in page 2
In the mind - nineteenth century , the united states had tremendous natural resources that could be exploited in order to develop heavy industry . Most of the row materials that are valuable in the manufacture of machinery ,transportation facilities and consumer goods lay ready to worked into wealth .Iron ,coal and oil – the basic ingredients of industrial growth – were plentiful and needed only the application of technical expertise ,organizational skill ,and labor
One crucial development in this movement towards industrialization was the growth of the railroads . the rainlway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the united states looked like as aspider ’s web, with the steel filaments connecting all importance sources of raw materials, their places of manufactures , and their center of distribution .The railroad contributed to the industrial growth growth not only by connecting these major centers , but also by themselves consuming enormous amounts of fuel ,iron and coal
Many factors influenced emerging modes of production .for example , machine tools , the tools used to make goods , were steadily improved in the letter part of the nineteenth century – always with an eyes to speedier production and lower unit costs . the products of the factories were rapidly absorbed by the growing cities that sheltered the workers and the distributors . The in creased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that ,in turn was made more productive by the use of the new farm machinery .American agricultural production kept up with the urben demand and still had surpluses for sale to the industrial centers of Europe .
The labor that ran the factories and built the railways was recruited in part from American farm areas where people were eing displaced by farm machinery , in part from Asia , and in part from Europe – most of Europe . Europe now began to send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern whonem were originally poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities . the money to finance this tremendous expansion of America economy still came from European financiers for the most part ,but the American were approaching the day when their expansion could be financed in their own “money market ”
?What does this passage mainly discuss
a- The history of railroads in the united states
b- The major united states industrial centers
c- Factors the affected industrialization in the united states
d- The role of agriculture in the nineteenth century
The word “ingredients” is closest in meaning to
a- Minerals
b- Products
c- Methods
d- Components
?Why does the author mention “spider web ” in paragraph two
A- To emphasize the railroads consumption of oil and coal
B- To describe the complex structure of the railway system
C- To explain the problem brought on by railway expansion
D- To describe the difficult involved in the distribution of raw materials
The word “themselves ” in paragraph two refer to
A – sources
B- centers
C- railroads
According to the passage ,all of the following were true of railroads in the united states in the nineteenth century EXCEPT that
A- They connected important industrial cities
B- They were necessary to the industrlization process
C- They were expanded in a short time
D- They used relatively small quantities of natural resources
According to the passage ,who were the biggest consumers of manufactured products
A- Railway workers
B- Farmers
C- City dwellers
D- Europeans
According to the passage ,what was one effect of the improvement of machine tools
A- Better distribution of goods
B- Lower manufacturing costs
C- More efficient transportation of natural resources
D- A reduction in industrial jobs
The word “nourishes ” in paragraph three is closest in meaning to
A- Protected
B- Fed
C- Housed
D- Paid
Which of the following is NOT true of united states farmers in the nineteenth century
A- They lost some jobs because of mechanization
B- They were unable to produce sufficient food for urban areas
C- They raised their productivity by using new machinery
D- They sold food to European countries
Where in the passage does the author mention the final aspect of industrial expansion
A- Paragraph one
B- Paragraph two
C- Paragraph three
D- Paragraph four
Question one part “B”
In the space below , write ashort summary of the passage above .
Any summary shows the general idea the central theme of the text covers all major supporting ideas and omits specifies and details is acceptable
Question part “A”
On every continent except Antarctica more than 300,000 species of spider
a- Some are
b- Some of the
c- Are some of the
d- Is some
the united states consists of many different immigrant groups ,many sociologists believe there is a distinct national character
a- In spite of b- despite c- even though d- whether
3- Seldom ………….. games been to practical use in playing real games
A- theories of mathematics b- theorized as mathematics c- has the mathematical theory of
e- The mathematical theory has
Most radioactive elements occur in igneous and metamorphic …………….fossils occur in sedimentary rocks
a- Rocks ,nearly all b- rocks , but nearly all c- rocks ,nearly all are d- rocks, which nearly all are
Some employees are fond of doing nothing , and they often spend their time in …………….
a- Slow b- inactive c- idle d- lazy
The incubation period of tetanus is usually five to ten days , and the most frequently ………………..
a- Occurred b- occurs c- occurring d- occur
Through smaller than our solar system ,a quasar which looks an ordinary star ,emit more light ……………. Galaxy
a- Than an entire b- entirely as c- than the entire d- entirely than
Muskrats generally ……………..close to the edge of a bog where their favorite plant foods grow
a- Staying b- they are staying c- stay d- to stay there
A politician can make a legislative proposal more ……………..by giving specific examples of what its effect will be
a- To understanding b- understandably c- understandable d- when understood
The air inside a house or office building often has higher concentrations of contaminates …………….heavily polluted outside air
A- Than does b- more c- as some that are d- like of
11- The decimal numeral system is one of the ……………….ways of expressing numbers
a- Useful most worlds b- world’s most useful c- useful world’s most d- most world useful
12- The mountains surrounding los Anglos effectively shield the city from the hot ,dry winds of the majave desert ……………..the circulation of air
a- But they also prevent b- also prevent by them c- and also to prevent d- and also preventing
Question two part “B”
Do as shown between the brackets:
I never heard about EQ tests in school
He said that he had never heard about EQ tests in school
I bought a new car last year , and then a month later I won one in a competition , so I
( needn’t have spent - didn’t need to spend )all that money
Lets go for a walk
?Let ’s go afar a walk , shall we
I saw him painting the house , I saw him painted the house
The two sentence are different
The first sentences means " I saw him when he saw in the middle ofdoing it . I didn’t see the complete action "
The second sentence means " I saw the complete action from beginning to end "
Discovery that aspirin can help fight cancer .
“ Rewrite this newspaper heading as a passive sentence ”
Its discover that aspirin can help fight cancer
Aspirin is discovered to help fight cancer
Its discovered that could be fought ay aspirin help
Question two : part C
Choose the correct word to form correct expressions :
?It’s a difficult problem . can I (make - do) I a suggestions
it ’s(a big – great ) pleasure to hear from you again
3- I am writing to express my (deep – strong ) dissatisfaction about water pollution from your factory
4- It’s (very – absolute ) vital that everyone plays their part in combating climate change
5- He is the best surgeon (in – of ) the hospital
6- We could not (find – reach )an agreement
7- (firstly – at first ) I could not understand the local people at all
8- The wound took several weeks to (heal - cure)
9- I prefer to pay (by – in ) cash
10- Despite our efforts to (persuade - convince) them , they still haven’t signed the contract
Question three part A
Answer briefly
For each of the following TWO
Characteristics of young learner that make them different from adult learners
- Need variety of activities as they get bored easily
- · Have a very short attention span
- · Forget things easily
- · Lack of motivation
- · Learn indirectly rather than directly
- · Develop at very different rates(any relevant answer are acceptable)
2- Things teacher can do to help students accomplish listening tasks effectively
- Arouse students interest by providing them with background knowledge
- Clarify any cultural information which may be necessary for comprehension
- Teach and explain necessary linguistic items
- Make student aware of the kind of text they are going to listen to , the purpose of the activity ,the task they are required to do.(any relevant answer are acceptable)
3- Advantages of using songs as a teaching strategy in language teaching course :
- Create an interesting atmosphere in the classroom
- Reduce the strain of formality in the classroom
- Make the teaching learning process more enjoyable and more effective
- Overcome the boredom
- Motivates and stimulates students
- Constitute an excellent means of introducing revising and practicing linguistic items
(any relevant answer are acceptable)
4- Writing processes student should practice when writing ,say an email:
- Prewriting
- Writing (Drafting)
- Revising (Editing)
5- Pronunciation problems an Arab learners is likely to encounter:
- Mispronunciation of Homophones
- Mispronunciation of Homographs
- Confusing between the plural forms sound (s/z/iz)
- Confusing between the past regular forms sound (t/d/id)
- The pronunciation of stress especially with two – syllable words
- The pronunciation of words of more than two consonants
Question three part "B"
Fill the spaces with word to complete each of the educational statements below :
1- When the exam measures what it should measure it is valid test and it is reliable when it gives the same result each time it is repeated
2- Communicative approach of language teaching is a theory of teaching and learning foreign languages that recognizes primacy of communication as she the goal and the media of instruction Grammar – translation method is a way to teach a foreign language with the help of contrastive native and target grammar analysis
3- Concept maps are used to give learners a conceptual preview of what is to come and help prepare them to store , label and package the content for retention and later use whereas pre –requisite tasks are used to activate the learners prior knowledge and help pave the way for the new learning to talk place
4- summative evaluation is that kind of assessment teachers use to evaluate the effect of the learning mostly at the end of the instructional period formative evaluation ,on the other hand is an ongoing assessment teachers do during the instructional period the purpose is to measure the progress attained before moving any further .
5- The main idea of motivation is to capture the learners attention and curiosity and challenge their energy towards learning . motivation may be described as internal – intrinsic when , for example the student receive some kind of satisfaction from learning an external – extrinsic when for example the student performs a task in order to receive a reward .
Question FOUR PART ""A"":
1- Behavioral objectives should be SMART what does SMART stand for :
· Specific
· Measurable
· Achievable
· Realistic
· Timing
2- What are the three basic components of starting a good behavioral objective?
· An observable outcome
· The condition under which learning can be expected to occur
· The criterion level (the degree of performance required to meet the objective )
Question four part B :
The statements below are all about behavioral objectives . state whether each is true or false correct the false one
1- Conditional statement within behavioral objectives are only singular
False : Conditional statement within behavioral objectives are only singular (one condition ) or multiple (more than one condition )
2- Complexity of behavior in the cognitive , affective , or psychomotor domain pertains to the operations required of the teacher to present the teaching activities
False : Complexity of behavior in the cognitive , affective , or psychomotor domain pertains to the operations required of the student to produce the behavior
3- Lower cognitive skills often are easier , less time consuming and more authentic than higher cognitive skills
False : Lower cognitive skills often are not necessarily easier , less time consuming and more authentic than higher cognitive skills
4- The outcome specified in behavioral objective should be expressed as an end as ameans
question four part C:
the following reading paragraph has been extracted from English for Palestine grade 7 study the following extraction carefully and give as shown:
The mobile phone allowed a second revolution in communication millions of people is now on the world telephone network with a modern mobile phone they can talk send text message send or receive emails or use the internet.
However the mobile phone network does not work at the top of mountains or out at sea . some times it wont work outside of town and cities . satellite phones use satellites in outer space so they will work anywhere.
1- One behavioral objective at the comprehension level:
· students are expected to recognize new vocabulary
· students are expected to recall mobile phone uses
· students are expected to compare between mobile and satellite phones
2- one psychomotor objective:
- students are expected to be able to use mobile phone to send and receive calls and message
3- One effective objective :
- Student are expected to be able to express an opinion about mobile phones
4- Pre- reading task :
- Brainstorming for inventions people use to communicate
- Showing students a mobile phone and electing its usage
5- Two reading strategies your students can use during the while reading stage
- Skimming
- Scanning
6- One convergent question:
Does the mobile phone network at the top of mountains ? (any question of one correct answer is acceptable )
7- One divergent questions :
What can we do with a modern mobile phone ? (any question of one correct answer is acceptable )
8- A problem solving task based on the text above :
How can we communicate outside cities and towns when mobile phones don’t work?
Question four part D
1- Deductive and inductive models of grammar teaching are frequently used by teacher to teach grammar
A- What is the different between deductive and inductive grammar teaching
Deductive (rule – driven learning) : an approach grammar teaching which starts with the presentation of a rule and them followed by examples in which the rule is applied
Inductive (rule – discovery learning ) : an approach to grammar teaching which starts with some examples from which a rule is inferred
B- What are the factors that influence the teachers choice of either models ?
· The age of the students whether adults or young
· The students preferred learning style
· The kind of the rule being explained
· The efficiency of the teacher
· The availability of teaching resources
· The available time
Choose one model ( either the deductive or the inductive model ) to teach the present simple tense to the eighth grades ? in points write the procedures you would follow so as help your students conceptualize both the function and the form of this tense
The inductive mode
· Teacher gives students sufficient examples to work out the rule
· Teacher elicits sentence from the learners based on their deduction
· Teacher writes student sentences on the board to display the target form clearly
· Teachers directs attention to the form of the verb highlights the final the time of the sentences and the elicits key words
· Teacher rubs out some verbs and asks students to complete (formative evaluation )
· Teacher asks students individually to write a similar list of sentences
· Teacher checks student understanding by giving them an exercise (summative evaluation)
· Students state the rule and what its used for
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