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English for Specific Purposes |
Q – No. 3 (5x5=25-Pts)
Define the following terms:
1 – GE: p8
Where English is used or learnt and taught for purposes other than academic or professional purposes it is called general English .General English as the name implies is concerned with everyday English used in daily communication for day to day such as introduction people , discussion various ideas .
2 – ESP paragraph:p16
1 – GE: p8
Where English is used or learnt and taught for purposes other than academic or professional purposes it is called general English .General English as the name implies is concerned with everyday English used in daily communication for day to day such as introduction people , discussion various ideas .
2 – ESP paragraph:p16
The esp paragraph is a unit of language higher than the sentence consist of one or more sentences and lower than the complete topic or discourse a paragraph in English like sentences is marked by beginning usually a space before the first sentences called indentation or spacing .
3 – Performance test: p28
Performance tests during the course are often called accumulation tests they are conducted by course teachers whether implicitly during monitoring learners progress these test are done orally testing student listening and speaking skill .
4 – Connectives:p58
Worda and phrase which are used to indicate a specific connection between different parts of discourses are called connectives
It is useful to distinguish four basic type of connective :
1- Addition connectives
2- Opposition connective
3- Cause connective
4- Time connective
5 – Ellipsis: p58
When some thing is felt to be unnecessary for comprehension it is omitted for example : the exploitation of energy will guarantee a more pleasant way of life . but for how long ?
Q – No. 4 (25-Pts)
A – How do objective tests differ from subjective tests? (12-Pts)p28-29
Objectives test vary a great deal but they are generally multi –choice , filling spaces or completion through given words and phrases
One further advantage of objectives test is that they lend themselves easily to self – assessment or evaluation , ex: a multiple- choice test could be designed by the teacher and given to student at the end of courses that they can evaluate their performance achievement in that unit .
Subjective test are usually open-ended ex: questions and answers essays reports open comprehension question , talks and give greater freedom in the answers
Furthermore test questions especially in their second type have a common underlying structure test instruction are often in the form of imperatives such as define , explain, discuss , describe , compare , list , prove these type of test instruction echo the functions of language characteristic of ESP
B – How do authentic materials differ from simplified materials? (13-Pts)
Authenticity materials means the degree to which language teaching materials have the qualities of natural speech ex: lecture or writing text which are talking forms , newspapers, magazine specializes books are called authenticity materials as a reaction to the disadvantage of simplified and adapted materials text many specialists suggest using authentic materials directly taken form the field of study for example physics
Simplification materials means the rewriting of an authentic or original text or materials , generally using a limited number of words and a limited set of grammatical structures to produce simplified reading or other materials suitable for second or foreign language learners
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