حل التعيين الأول Vocabulary الفصل الدراسي 1142

حل التعيين Vocabulary
 Question Four
Define the following terms and give examples to illustrate your answers:
1. Derivational vs. inflectional affixes.
Inflectional affixes are elements that we are always added to the end of words. In other words, inflectional affixes are always suffixes. The plural – s is an inflectional affix. These affixes do not change the meaning or the part of speech of the word to which they are attached
Derivational affixes can be prefixes or suffixes ( they can be connected to the beginning or end of words) the word unnecessarily has the derivational affixes un and ly .
inchoative vs. causative verbs. 58
An inchoative verb denotes or indicates the beginning or coming into existence of some state. For example, the verb darken (intransitive) in the sky darkened, is an inchoative verb, because it denotes the beginning of a state of darkness.
A causative verb denotes an action which causes something to happen. Fore example, the verb darkened (transitive) in the artist darkened the painting is a causative because it involves an action that caused the painting to become dark.
transparent vs. opaque compounds. 95
Transparent compounds: They are words that are transparent as to their meaning and you will not miss its meaning like table and window. Opaque compounds: They are words that are opaque and you get troubles with their meaning like looking glass and flatfoot , so you can't guess that flatfoot = an important person
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