Earn $ 25 a month through free search

Today I will offer you a way to earn about $ 25 a month without doing anything other than browsing and searching through a search engine

Gives a presearch currency which is about $ 0.10 This search engine called presearch provides you the possibility to search through Google or YouTube or Facebook or any other global sites in several areas All you have to do is browse and search instead of the normal search use presearch to do searches And browsing where you can earn 8 pieces of presearch currency per day ie 240 pieces per month equivalent to approximately $ 25 this on the current currency rate and this is a perfect way for anyone newbie or even novice. If you have more than one computer or phone you can work two accounts and thus earn 50 $ Through browsing and from us do not browse dozens of sites and looking for scores Note that even up to 8 pieces is the upper limit, you have to perform 32 searches a day which is quite easy and if you wonder why the search engine pays you the answer is that he tries to make his ads more accurate because this engine is an advertising platform note that the currency available in Several platforms, including hitbtc and you can store the currency may rise in the future Note the minimum amount of withdrawal is 1000 pieces of presearch currency draw on the trading platforms and currency portfolio note that the currency is located in HITBTC, COINEXCHANGE, YOBIT
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