John Donne 1572-1631

John Donne 1572-1631
John Donne 1572-1631
John Donne is acknowledged as the master of metaphysical poetry and is admired for his talent and magnificent wit exercised in his writing. Metaphysical poetry is a special branch of poetry that deals 
with the pedagogic use of intellect and emotion in a harmonic manner
 The basic praxis of metaphysical poetry is to highlight the philosophical view of nature and its ambience concerning human life. Despite criticisms from various corners, Donne and his other companions remained busy with their work to concentrate on metaphysical poetry to portray the feelings and sentiments of human beings by dint of their skillful and artful literary accomplishments. This paper is to address the outstanding performance of John Donne in the arena of metaphysical poetry and it endeavours to make a critical assessment of the diverse issues allembracing metaphysical poetry as well as to establish the relevance of metaphysical poetry in the literary realm. 
"Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere 
This bed thy centre is, these walls, thy sphere" 
The Sun Rising: John Donne 
The startling conversational lines marvellously enumerate the poet‘s intense appeal to spread the beams of sun on the lovers‘ world as a mark of illuminating the macrocosmic world and beckon the readers to enter into a new realm of poetry with a sense of attachment and belonging between different objects of nature and human sentiments, feeling, passion etc. This philosophical structure of poetic aptitude to associate the different aspects of nature and its constituents in a significant manner constitutes the basics of metaphysical poetry the pioneering contribution of which has been made by John Donne. Metaphysical poetry and John Donne are so inherently interconnected that one without the other becomes a misnomer. Metaphysical poetry symbolizes the splendid and meticulous blending of intellect and emotion, ingenious wit and caustic humour so as to acquaint the readers with a new pattern of poetic excellence. 
The researcher in this research is going to enhance John Donne as metaphysical poet